Black Tubes & Pipes

We have a large scale unit engaged in manufacturing and exporting black pipes/tubes and galvanized Steel tubes/pipes. We manufacture black tubes for a range of applications like Mild Steel tubes for structural purpose and mechanical & general engineering purpose, ERW Pipes for Scaffolding mainly but also made for other application use like water, gas & sewerage, Steel tubes for idlers of belt conveyors, water wells and Lancing Pipes for various automotive & industrial applications.

A look at some of the pipes that are manufactured and exported by us:

Scaffold Black Tube — (48.3mm O.D. x 4mm/3.2mm thickness/2.4mm thickness)

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Galvanized Pipes & Tubes

Galvanized Pipes & Tubes has long been one of the most used building materials in the world.

Galvanized Pipes resist the attack of wild, water & road salts.

Galvanized steel if the one, that\’s been covered with a layer of zinc metal. During galvanizing, steel is immersed in a molten zinc bath, ensuring a tough, uniform barrier coating. Zinc\’s natural corrosion resistance provides long-term protection, even in outdoor environments.

Apart from preventing water corrosion, it is equally effective in dry & indoor environments also.

A look at some of the pipes that are manufactured and exported by us:

Scaffold Galvanized Tube — (48.3mm O.D. x 4mm/3.2mm thickness/2.4mm thickness)

Manufactured as per  International Standards

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